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Washington D.C.
Friday, June 28, 2024

U.S. Coast Guard Hosts Japanese Cadets from Training Ship Kojima

The U.S. Coast Guard hosted Capt. Kazushi Sakae and over 40 cadets from the Japanese Coast Guard training ship, Kojima, during their visit to Guam on June 12, 2024.

The event marked a significant moment of international cooperation and camaraderie between the two maritime services.

The Kojima’s visit included a reception aboard the ship later that evening, attended by local leaders and partners, who reciprocated the warm hospitality extended by the Japanese Coast Guard. This visit is particularly notable as it marks the Kojima’s first and last port call on Guam before the ship is replaced later this year.

During the visit, three U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets had the unique opportunity to share their recent experience of joining Japanese counterparts on the voyage to Guam. This journey created lasting memories and built strong professional relationships.

“This visit underscores the enduring relationship between our two services,” said Capt. Robert Kistner, commander of U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam. “Our partnership is vital for promoting maritime safety and security and fostering mutual understanding. The cooperation and shared experiences between our cadets and the Japanese Coast Guard cadets are invaluable.”

Although a memorandum of cooperation between the sea services has existed since 2010, an agreement signed in 2022 for expanded cooperation highlights the shared dedication to a secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific. The new operation, SAPPHIRE (Solid Alliance for Peace and Prosperity with Humanity and Integrity on the Rule of law-based Engagement), encompasses all annual interactions between the Japanese and U.S. Coast Guards, with the goal of increasing interactions over time.

Capt. Kistner also shared a personal reflection, “I had the honor of visiting the Kojima while I was assigned to the East Coast. It’s incredible to see the continued collaboration and the strengthening of our partnership over the years.”

Following the Kojima visit, the three U.S. Coast Guard cadets are spending the next few weeks with two of the Service’s Guam-based Fast Response Cutters. This opportunity will further their field maritime experiences and training, preparing them for future challenges and responsibilities in their careers and the maritime industry.

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